Our story
The beginning is a felt experience.
Perhaps it is only in moments when we are facing death that we come to realize the value of life with its many difficulties, potentials and joy. Such fully lived and experienced moments, framed and frozen in memory and in essence, actually capture eternity for us…
Years ago, a 19-year-old girl, bursting with youth and vitality, a top student with a sparkling future, was stricken with cancer.
Once the initial bombshell shock of the news had passed, she was overcome with anger that the world was so unfair, that she was so powerless and unable to control her own destiny.
What possible meaning could there be in life?
On a moonless, windy night she sped down the road on her motorcycle, thinking of her plight. The anger kept growing in her until, rounding a curve, she saw a SLOW sign.
She gave herself over to the consuming rage, sped up, and charged towards the sign… Girl, bike, and sign flew into the air.
The lights of a thousand homes glittered and twisted below, and in one brilliant instant, she realized… she did not want to die.
“I’ll keep my eyes open,” she thought, “to see how I die!”
She embraced the darkness rushing towards her with arms stretched wide. A dull thumping sound followed as she landed with a taste of grass, mud, and blood mixed in her mouth. It was, indeed, a strange homecoming after reaching such great heights.
She looked up, relieved to see the stars from the correct perspective. Then everything just went black, and all she could hear were the fading sound of people running.

An awakening to the power of wellness.
When the girl woke up in the hospital, she asked for a cold cola drink. She savored every sip of it - it was simply the most marvellous beverage on earth. How could she have failed to notice this before?
On the day she was allowed to go home, she looked out the taxi window and realized for the first time that not all the leaves on the trees were the same. Never before had she seen so many shades of green. It fascinated her, and she smiled.
She was feeling well, even though she was still sick.
Well, everyone has to die. Nobody can overcome death.
>What is there to overcome then?
“I’ll stay feeling well. Even when I die, I’ll die feeling well,” she decided.
There were consequences after the landing, such as having to pay a hefty fine for the ruined SLOW sign. There were also many challenges on the healing journey.
But, she had been awakened to the realizations that she could feel well in sickness, … and that she could cope with life-threatening illness better when she was feeling well.
… In a fully lived felt experience, I captured the slow sign and eternity, with the landing leading to WellnessOptions.
We can choose wellness. Both in sickness and in health.